Born in 1987 in Casablanca, Morocco
Works and lives in Paris, France
Dipôme du Fresnoy, Studio National des Arts Contemporains, France (graduation with honors)
DNSEP, École Supérieure des Beaux-Arts d’Angers, France (graduation with honors)
DNAP, École Supérieure des Beaux-Arts d’Angers, France (graduation with honors)
Diplôme de l’Institut National des Beaux-Arts de Tétouan, Morocco (with highest hornor)
DIWANA, La Chapelle des Dames Blanches, La Rochelle
Lycée Pro, Maison Populaire, Montreuil, France
Les Instruses, Institut Français de Zagreb, Croatie
L’autre comme hôte, Centre d’art Contemporain Chanot, Clamart, France
Les Intruses, Pavillon Blanc Henri Molina, Colomiers, France
Being Places, Mu.ZEE, Ostend, Belgium
La figure et le lieu, Galerie Paris-Beijing, Paris, France
Fragments d’un territoire, Galerie Paradise, Nantes, France
Screen series, New Museum, NY, USA
Les Intruses, l’Écart – Centre d’Art Actuel, Rouyn-Noranda, Canada
État des lieux, Galerie Paradise, Nantes, France
Humain autonome – Déroutes, commissariat : Marianne Derrien, Sarah Ihler-Meyer et Salim Santa Lucia, MAC VAL, France.
Désir de mer, Orienta, commissariat : Frédéric Fourdinier Saïdia, Morocco.
New Worlds : Women to Watch, National Museum of Women in the Arts, Washington, USA.
The Golden Fleece: A Brilliant Myth Unraveled,Museum Hof van Busleyden, Mechelen, Belgium.
Knights of the Golden Fleece: A brilliant myth unravelled, Museum Hof van Busleyden, Mechelen, Belgium.
De leur temps (7), commissariat : Keren Detton et Michel Poitevin, Frac Grand Large, Dunkerque, France.
Changing Track, commissariat : Estelle Marois, P21 Gallery, London.
La boite noire, Musée de la Photographie,Belgium.
Polvere di Stelle, commissariat : Eva Comuzzi, Museo Archeologico, Atri, Italy.
Humain Autonome : Fossiles mécaniques, commissariat : Marianne Derrien, Sarah Ihler-Meyer et Salim Santa Lucia, Galerie Coucke, La Condition Publique, Roubaix.
La Biennale de Lyon, 16th edition, curators: Sam Bardaouil and Till Fellrath, Lyon, France
FRAC Méca, Base sous-marine de Bordeaux, France
Silsila, le voyage des regards, Institut des Cultures d’Islam, commissariat : Bérénice Saliou, Paris
Défairecorps, commissariat : Amour général, Le Sample, Bagnolet, France
Carte Blanche à Hubert Colas, Centre Wallonie-Bruxelles, Paris
Il était une fois …, commissariat : Marie Griffay, FRAC Champagne-Ardenne, Reims, France
Chemins de traverse, commissariat : Cathy Cancade, Four à chaux Pierre Méralikan, La Réunion
Zone Franche , Quartier général d’Africa 2020 in partnership with Think Tanger & Doual’art, ICI, Paris, France
Trilogía Marroquí, 1950-2020, curated by : Abdellah Kerroum, Museo de Reina Sofía, Madrid, Spain
Voyages, Voyages, la maison du chiffre, commissariat : Mehdi-Georges Lahlou, Paris
Faire communautés, commissariat : Ana Vega, Suresnes, France
Un goût de vacances, des saveurs d’été, Cac Meymac, France
Migration Recherches, commissariat : Nouha Ben Yebdri, Goethe-Institut Marokko
Des marches, démarches, curated by Guillaume Monsaingeon, Frac Provence Alpes Côte d’Azur, Marseille, France
Travel agency, Das Weisse Haus, Vienna, Austria
Young Curators, Noorderlicht International Photo Festival, curated by : Hanane El Ouardani & Sydney, Rahimtoola, Netherlands
La Vague Blanche, curated by : Mohamed Thara, Galerie 38, Casablanca, Morocco
Wall at the End of the Rainbow, curated by : Natasha Marie, Jan van Eyck Academie, The Netherlands
Out of the blue map, curated by : Collectif Calypso 36*21, Coco Velten, Marseille, France
Hier est la mémoire d’aujourd’hui, Espace Commines, curated by Armelle Dakouo, Paris, France
Check my point, MA Museum, curated by Marie Moignard, Rouyn-Noranda, Canada
Territoires sous-jacents, Sagamie Center, Alma, Canada
Surface Tension, Sharjah Art Foundation, curated by Ryan Inouye, United Arab Emirates
Kulte gallery, Rabat, Morocco
Some of Us, Nordart, curated by Jérôme Cotinet-Alphaize & Marianne Derrien, Büdelsdorf, Germany
POLY – mythe / logue / génèse / morphe / phagie / onymie, curated by Marie-Constance Mendes, Galerie Houg, Paris
On the Edge, curated by Aurélie Faure, Art Vilnius hall 4, «project zone», Vilnius, Lithuania
Itinerancia, Dobrée Museum, curated by Virginie Bourget, Nantes, France
Looking out, Looking in, Boston University Art Galleries, curated by Cynthia Becker & Nadia Sabri, Boston, USA
What we Forget, Nieuw Dakota Art Gallery, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Jamais au dessus, ni même en dessous, éventuellement un peu à côté, mais toujours là, ISBA, curated by Philippe Terrier-Hermann, Besançon, France
Centre Photographique Marseille, Les ateliers de l’image, Marseille
Links and Exiles, Boghossian Foundation: Villa Empain, curated by Nadia Sabri, Brussels, Belgium
Outside Our, Bourse Révélations Emerige, Villa Emerige, curated by Gaël Charbau, Paris
Story telling, Rezidenta BRD Scena9, Bucarest, Romania
Festival ¡ Viva Villa !, Villa Méditérannée, curated by Cécile Debray & Federico Nicolao, Marseille, France
Icons and Rituals, Pik Cologne, curated by Sabine Tress, Cologne, Germany
Appearances, La Graineterie Centre of arts, curated by Maud Cosson, Houilles, France
Taiwan International Video Art Exhibition (TIVA), Hong-Gah Museum, Taipei, Taiwan
Itinerary, Real Monasterio Santa María de Veruela, Zaragoza, Spain
Itinerary, Casa de Velázquez, Madrid, Spain
The red hour, Dakar Biennial, curated by Simon Njami, Dakar, Senegal
Interspaces, Künstlerhaus Klagenfurt, Vienna, Austria
Biennial of contemporary art, Champigny-sur-Marne, France
11. Bienal do Mercosul, curated by Alfons Hug, Porto Alegre, Brazil
FAR OFF Contemporary Art Fair, Köln, Ebertplatz / Open Space, Germany
Young and alternative cultures in Morocco, Heinrich Boll Stiftung Foundation, Rabat, Morocco
Carte Blanche to Alain Declercq, Mona Lisa, Paris, France
Contorsions #1 I Cycle Le tour du jour, Gaîté lyrique, curated by Benoît Hické, Paris, France
RAW Poetry Casablanca Borderlines, Festival Moussem cities, curated by Younès Baba-Ali & Nadia Sabri, Bozar, Brussels, Belgium
13th Sharjah Biennial, An unpredictable expression of human potential, Act II, Ashkal Alwan & Sharjah Art Foundation, curated by Hicham Khalidi & Natasha Hoare, Beirut, Lebanon
Cinema Prospective, curated by Christine Macel, Alicia Knock, Pamela Sticht, Loïc Le Gall, Centre Pompidou, Paris, France
Bienal de las Artes de Valencia, Ciutat Vella Oberta, Galería del Tossal, Valencia, Spain
Affect me, Social Media in Art, Kai 10, Arthena Foundation, curated by Julia Höner & Kerstin Schankweiler, Düsseldorf, Germany
Estampa Contemporary Art Fair, Matadero – Madrid, Spain
Folds of existence, American Medium, curated by Lorenzo Gattorna & Mary Ancel, New York, USA
À gorge sèche après la traversée, curated by Mehdi-Georges Lahlou, Ferme de Wahenge, Belgium
Rendez-vous, kunstraumlangenlois p.p., Christina Lackner & Norbert Fleischmann,Langenlois, Austria
Videonnale 16, Festival for Video and Time-Based Arts, Kunstmuseum Bonn, Germany
Noss Noss#3, Mahal Art Space, Tangier, Morocco
Undox Festival Of Innovative Documentary Arts, Museum of Contemporary Art, Vienna, Austria
The Others Fair, Turin, Italy
The Bijlmer Bajes Bios, Solar Cinema, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Videoproject, biennale d’Art vidéo, Médiathèque de la Roseraie, Sélection Oodaaq, Angers, France
Saout Africa(s), radio program for Documenta14 organised by SAVVY Funk & Saout Radio, Berlin, Germany
Vanguardias Life, curated by Nuria Cubas, Casa Árabe & Filmadrid, Madrid, Spain
Danse sur le fil, regard terre à terre, les ateliers de la ville en bois, curated by Nyima Leray & Isabelle Henrion, Nantes, France
Flash Generation, Alliances Foundation Casablanca, Morocco
Eternal Youth, curated by Rita Alaoui, Delacroix Gallery, French Cultural Center, Tangier, Morocco
Of sounds and movements, Videobox Video Art Festival, curated by Odile Burluraux & Corentin Hamel, Carreau du temple, Paris, France
FIPA, Young video creation, European Nurseries for Young Artists, Biarritz, France
Life instructions, Joseph Kouli Collection, Contemporary Art Centre Chanot, Clamart, France
Where cinema is going: Changes in rythm: speed, slowness ans repetition, MK2 Beaubourg, Paris, France
Cycle Noss Noss, curated by Katrin Ströbel, Le Cube Independant Art Room, Rabat, Morocco
L’Œil d’Oodaaq, Nomadic and Poetic Images, Rennes, France
Panoramiques, Le Forum – Normandy House of Architecture, Rouen, France
Mahal Art Space, Independant art space, curated by Nouha Ben Yebdri, Tangier, Morocco
Cycle Noss Noss, curated by Katrin Ströbel, le 18, derb el ferrane, Marrakech, Morocco
Video Objective Nice OVNI, video art festival, program of Les ateliers de l’image, Nice, France
Urbain Video Art Route, curated by Victor Zébo, Guyane Art Factory, Cayenne, Guyana
Paradise a bit further away, curated by Théo-Mario Coppola, Galerie dix9, Paris, France
Orient Indexes, curated by Evelyne-Dorothée Allemand, Pascale Pronnier & Yannick Courbès, MuBa Eugène Leroy, Tourcoing Musuem of Fine Art, France
Décompilation, Jussieu University video program, La Passerelle gallery, Paris, France
Ornaments and diversions, curated by Gaye-Thaïs Florent & Christelle Mally, La Plate-Forme: Contemporary Art Laboratory, Dunkerque, France
AIR in Zuidoost, CBK Zuidoost, curated by Renske de Jong, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
FIAC Hors les murs, FID Marseille programme, Cinéphémère, Jardins des Tuileries, Paris
The Other Cinema Collective, curated by Julian Ross, Taichung, Taiwan
Open houses, Marseille City Ateliers, Studio Ymane Fakhir, Marseille, France
Visions from Morocco, curated by Anna Raimondo, Saout Radio & Kunst Radio, Vienna, Austria
IFFR White Nights, curated by Peter van Hoof, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
Views on territory, Rabat Photographic encounters, curated by Jaâfar Akil, Galerie Bab Rouah, Rabat, Morocco
(S)HE: searching for the other, curator: Renske de Jong, CBK Zuidoost, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Masnaâ saghir: in intimacy, Le Cube Independant Art Room, curated by Jeanne Mercier, Rabat, Morocco
La Nuit de l’Instant, Les ateliers de l’image, Marseille, France
Panoramiques, Cité de l’architecture & du patrimoine, Palais de Chaillot, Paris, France
Orienta: Ain the angle of possibilities, curated by Christophe Boulanger, Oujda, Morocco
The Greenhouse Casablanca, with l’Atelier de l’Observatoire, Casablanca, Morocco
La Serre au Cyber Parc, avec l’Atelier de l’Observatoire, Marrakech, Morocco
Video Art Exchange, La Serre, curated by Said Rais, Marrakech
Dubai Photo Exhibition, curators: Hicham Khalidi & Laila Hida, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Vidéos d’artistes #9 / prize Studio Collector, Maison Européenne de la photographie, Paris
Tabakalera, International Center of Contemporary Art, San Sebastian, Spain
Merchants of Dreams, Viborg Kunsthal & Brandts Museum, curated by Christian Skovbjerg Jensen, Viborgi & Odense, Danemark
Mutations, the image and its possibilities, Galerie 121, French Institute in Casablanca, curated by Jeanne Mercier, Casablanca, Morocco
Les Rencontres Internationales de Photographie de Fès, Dar Tazi, Galerie Saiss, l’IFM de Fès, curated by Jeanne Mercier, Fès, Morocco
Conter le temps, Rencontres de Bamako, Biennale africaine de la photographie, Bamako, Mali
ARTE Video Night, La FIAC, curated by Dominique Goutard & Jean-Luc Monterosso, Paris, France
Panorama 17: Techniquement douce, commissariat: Didier Semin, Le Fresnoy, Tourcoing, France
Carroussa Sonore, Shubbak Festival, curated by Younes Baba-Ali, London, UK
60ème Salon de Montrouge, Le Beffroi, commissariat: Stéphane Corréard, Montrouge, France
Billboard Festival Casablanca, curated by Hanne Lise Thomsen, Casablanca, Morocco
MasterMind, commissariat: Mohamed Arejdal & Mehdi Hadj Khalifa, GVCC, Casablanca, Morocco
Femmes, 50% de l’Humanité?, Un vendredi pour les vidéastes, Galerie de l’Angle, Paris, France
Partitions: Hors les murs, Fondation d’Entreprise Ricard, journée de performances proposée par Christian Alandete pour Jeune Création, Espace Centquatre, Paris
Le Maroc Contemporain, commissariat: Jean-Hubert Martin & Moulim El Aroussi, Institut du Monde Arabe, Paris
Panorama 16: Solus Locus, commissariat: Matthieu Orléan, Le Fresnoy, Tourcoing, France
10ème Biennale de jeune création, Espace La Graineterie, Houilles, France
Here, Now, Where? 5ème Biennale de Marrakech, commissariat: Hicham Khalidi, Bank Al Maghreb, Marrakech, Morocco
A participatory sonic taxi ambulation curated by Younes Baba-Ali & Anna Raimondo for Saout Radio, 5th Biennale of Marrakech.
Centre Sagamie, Alma, Canada
L’Écart – Centre d’Art Actuel, Rouyn-Noranda, Canada
Hestia Art Residency & Exhibitions Bureau, Belgrade, Serbia
Galerie Paradise, Nantes, France
Moussem Nomadic Arts Centre, Brussels, Belgium
Villa Empain, Boghossian Foundation, Brussels, Belgium
Casa de Velázquez: The Academy of France in Madrid, Spain
BijlmAIR: artist in residence of CBK Zuidoost, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Trankat Art Residency, invited by Bérénice Saliou, Tetouan, Morocco
Prix du regard documentaire au Festival d’action sociale de Nancy, France
Prix du meilleur court documentaire au Filmets Badalona Film Festival, Espagne Best experimental short au Archfilmfest Londres, UK
Lolly award Exposed Queer Film Festival, Berlin, Germany
Prix du meilleur documentaire au Cineglobe Festival, Cern, Swiss
Prix Ars Electronica Computer animation Award of Distinction, Austria
Special mention ot the jury at the Festival Kinodot, Saint-Petersbourg, Russia
Prix de l’OEuvre Expérimentale de la SCAM, France
Best experimental film at Nova Frontier Film Festival, USA
Grand Prix Tampere Film Festival, Finland
Grand Prix Internationale Kurz lmwoche Regensburg, Germany
Architecture Film Award Internationale Kurz lmwoche Regensburg
Grand prix Festival Filmer le travail, France
Grand Prix Internationale Kurz lmtage Winterthur, Switzerland
Special mention Black Canvas Film Festival, Mexico
Laureate of the call for projects Embellir Paris in collaboration with the Institut des Cultures d’Islam and Émerige Mécénat
Prix de la Commune Image au FIDLab – FIDMarseille, France
Culture Resource’s Program Award (Al-Mawred Al-Thaqafy), Liban
Aide au projet de la FNAGP – Fondation National des Arts Graphiques et Plastiques, France AFAC – The Arab Fund for Arts and Culture, Liban
DOHA Film Institute, Qatar
KLF – Fondation Kamal Lazaar, Tunisia
2017 / 2016 / 2015
Prix Videonale of the uentum Collection 2017, Germany
Prix du meilleur court métrage au Festival IBAFF, Spain
Festival International du lm à Rotterdam, mention spéciale du jury, The Netherlands
Prix du jury à l’exposition La Nuit de L’Instant, Marseille, France
Prix du Dialogue au European Media Art Festival, Osnabrück, Germany
Prix de la ville de Clermont-Ferrand, Vidéoformes, France
Prix du meilleur concept visuel au Bucharest Experimental Film Festival, Roumania
Mention honorable au Short Waves Festival and Urban View Competition, Poznań, Poland
Prix de l’ADAGP, Exposition Panorama17, Tourcoing, France
Meilleur film expérimental au Tabor Film Festival, Croatia
Mention Spéciale du jury au Dokufest Festival, Kosovo
Meilleur film court au Toko Film festival, Italie
Mention spéciale du jury au FilmFest Dresden, Allemagne
Meilleur film court créatif au MedFilm Festival, Rome, Italie
Meilleur film court expérimental au Cinemaiubit Film Festival, Bucharest, Romania
Meilleur film court au BBC Arabic lm festival, London, UK
CNAP – Acquisitions et commandes Photographie et images, France
Collection du départemente de la Seine Saint-Denis, France
Frac Champagne Ardenne, France
Frac Provence Alpes Côte d’Azur, France
Frac Bretagne, France
Frac Nouvelle-Anquitaine Méca, France
Fonds d’art contemporain – Paris collection, France
Fonds de la Casa de Velazquez, Espagne
Moussem Nomadic Art Centre, Bruxelles, Belgique
Mu.ZEE Kunstmuseum Ostende, Belgique
Palais Royal, Maroc
SPF Affaires étrangères – Ambassade de Belgique à Rabat, Belgique
BAB SEBTA, 19’, 2019
BARBÈS, 6’, 2019
STAND-BY OFFICE, 13’20’’, 2017
LE PARK, 14’, 2015
LA GRANDE SAFAE, 15’56’’, 2014
PB PROJECT : Randa Maroufi
La figure et le Lieu
09/05/2020 - 10/17/2020
L'Atelier A - ARTE
[LES ATELIERS] Randa Maroufi, Barbès, de la série : Les Intruses - FRAC BRETAGNE
Randa MAROUFI - Révélation Art numérique, Art vidéo 2015 - A / ADAGP
Focus WIP 2024 à Cannes : le public a voté ! RANDA MAROUFI : CENTRE D’ART CONTEMPORAIN ALBERT CHANOT, CLAMART – Guillaume Benoit Entretien avec Randa Maroufi pour “L’autre comme hôte” – Madelaine Mathé (interview et transcription) Randa Maroufi, à propos du film Le Park – Randa Maroufi et Javier Elipe Gimeno Randa Maroufi: How the French-Moroccan director makes slow-moving shorts (ES) – “Les Intruses”, exposición de Randa Maroufi (ES) – Cuando son ellas las que miran, o las nuevas artistas ‘millennials’ marroquíes – Analía Iglesias (ES) – ‘Bab Sebta’: la radiografía fronteriza de Randa Maroufi – Jose Ramón Alarcón Photo: les Rencontres d’Arles annoncent une édition sous le signe de la résistance – Claire Guillot Randa Maroufi : «Ma recherche se situe entre le reportage, le cinéma et l’étude sociologique» – Siham Jadraoui Les corps marginaux de Randa Maroufi – Flora Fettah Randa Maroufi, l’atelier itinérant – Loïc Le Gall Text by Marine Relinger « Le Park » ou la jeunesse pétrifiée de Casablanca – Julie Ackermann (ES) – ‘La Grande Safae’: brumosa memoria de la identidad sexual – Merche Medina Les corps politiques du cinéma documentaire – Antoine Garraud 10 OUT OF 10: THE PARK – Kevin Rakestraw La tentation du genre – Clelia Coussonnet Randa Maroufi, premier prix Adagp Art numérique – Lucie Agache ELLES X PARIS PHOTO – RANDA MAROUFI – “Je préfère me penser comme multidisciplinaire, ou plutôt indisciplinée.”
– Text for Révélations Émerige, Marine Relinger, 2018
Whether she uses performance, video or photography, Randa Maroufi offers just as many visual themes linked to current affairs which she strips of any territory and reincarnates in other places and bodies. Somewhere between documentary and fiction, and at the crossroads between report, film and sociological analysis, her reconstitutions open a critical space, warping the representations.
Randa Maroufi takes an interest in gender issues and the sharing of public spaces ; she walked the streets with a speaker spewing out insults that are commonly aimed at women, but this time told by a woman (Tentatives de séduction, 2013). As part of a photographic project, she recruited passers-by to reconstruct scenes of street harassment gleaned on the Internet (Reconstitutions series, 2013) and one night, filled a popular café with women (Les Intruses, 2018 – 2019). In her minimal and gripping film Le Park (2015), a camera meanders in a disused amusement park, walking through groups of motionless young people — including squatters occupying the location in Casablanca — frozen in postures of expectation and altercation. The camera moves amongst them like it woud in a photograph, reframing it, giving various points of view and highlighting our position as viewers.
This work drew its inspiration from viral images of groups of armed young people, a trend that sparked a series of discriminatory controls in Marocco.
As for Stand-by Office (2017), it shows us busy white collars in an office, around a project mock-up, in a meeting or having a coffee break. Yet, the energy and physical habits are dissonant and colour in the stereotyped actions differently ; incongruous and domestic gestures are thought-provoking. Here, Randa Maroufi films a group of refugees — We Are Here — who, in Amsterdam, decided to make their situation visible by opening squats in disused offices.
With reserve and precision, Randa Maroufi shapes an art of deconstruction that is nonetheless frontally committed.